REVIEW: The Horn - “People Like Us” Single

London's esteemed indie-rock quintet, The Horn, is gearing up for the release of their debut album with the unveiling of their new single and title track, “People Like Us,” produced by Danton Supple (Coldplay). This song serves as a subtle, meandering, and climactic anthem of recognition and solidarity, aimed at those who often find themselves on the fringes of polarizing debates, grappling with extreme opinions, and facing the constant pressure to conform to society's watchful eyes. The lead singer, Jonny Taylor, explains that this song is "for the people who need to be recognized and understood for who they are."

“People Like Us” opens with intricately woven guitars, soft percussion, and contemplative vocals that set the stage for this song's unique perspective. The listener is tantalized by intermittent vocal bursts and intensifying percussion as the track unfolds, leading to a powerful drum roll that ushers in the climactic moment. Impactful drums, expert bass, searing guitars, cinematic keys, and expressive vocals converge in the central refrain: "Don't you wanna fit in this messed-up crazy world, 'Cause I just wanna feel it before I leave this world." This refrain encapsulates the tension of wanting acceptance while refusing to conform solely for that reason.

The Horn made a splash last year with the release of their debut EP, Do It Now, following a series of successful singles. The band comprises bassist and songwriter Nick True, multi-instrumentalist Danny Monk, singer and guitarist Jonny Taylor, keyboardist Ed Cox, and drummer Alex Moorse. Their ascent has been characterized by an unfiltered blend of attitude, ambition, and a rebellious spirit.

Musically, The Horn's sound can be described as Britpop-infused indie-rock, brimming with energy and angst. Their music is intertwined with stories of London life, coming-of-age narratives, and a rejection of constraints imposed by rules, self-doubt, or authority figures. A deeper theme within their music is the intergenerational connection between two of the band members, Nick and Jonny, who hail from different generations but share common ground. The band is keen to challenge ageism in the music industry and emphasize that age is just a number, underscoring the timelessness of human experience.

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