If you’ve been through a bad breakup, you may have experience with PTXD – post traumatic ex disorder – a term coined by popstar Casey Baer. In her newest single, executive produced by Sophie Simmons, Casey explores the all-too-familiar feeling of lying in bed at night, wondering if you ever existed to someone you once loved. But Casey isn’t here to make you feel sorry for yourself; she’s here to help you reclaim your power. You deserve better, and “ptxd” is the perfect soundtrack for your journey to recovery.

Casey’s cathartic lyrics cut like a knife, but it’s not just her music that’s sharp. The 22-year-old Los Angeles-based artist has also carved out an impressive resumé, joining notable artists, including Jesse McCartney, WeThree, and Tokio Hotel, on worldwide tour runs, playing sold-out shows across the US and Europe.  
Noisescape sat down with Casey to chat and quickly learned she is more than just a talented musician. We discussed the inspirations behind her authentic discography, her mental health advocacy efforts, details about “ptxd,” and more.

Photo by Jordan Kelsey Knight

What is something you’re passionate about that people might not know?

Well, there's a chance people may not know about this about me, but I am deathly allergic to nuts. Before I went on tour in Europe, I called my allergist to get more EpiPens to be on the safe side. She told me to be careful because a lot of the flour they use in Europe is called lupin flour, which is basically peanut’s sister. I had no idea! If I hadn’t called her, I never would’ve known. So I share this story because I’m passionate about raising awareness of how severe nut allergies can be. They’re much more dangerous than people realize; even a tiny bit can do serious damage, and it’s so scary to have a reaction. I've been there once— I don't need to experience it again!

I’m glad you stayed safe and can use that experience to help others! I would love to talk about your European tour with Tokio Hotel. Do you have a favorite experience or performance?

Touring is my favorite thing in the entire world! And I’ve been missing it, especially the past few days. My favorite show of all time was in Paris this past May; it was so incredible! I love all of my shows, though, because I get to meet and hang out with people that relate to the music, which is so important to me. I'm such a fangirl at heart, so I always think about what a fan would like going into my performances. Being able to do that is so special, and it's just the best feeling.

What are the most memorable moments of your career so far, and what made them so special?

My favorite moments have definitely been touring and performing at Madison Square Garden and Dodger Stadium. I’ve dreamed of selling out Madison Square Garden since I was six. I literally had a journal I would doodle in and write, “Madison Square Garden now presenting Casey Baer sold out”. My family is from New York, so we’d always go there growing up. Every time we’d pass by Madison Square Garden, I’d make everyone get out of the taxi with me and take a picture. So when I got to do the national anthem at a Knicks game, it was the best day of my life. Especially since my family was able to come, and we’re big Knicks fans! I also come from a big baseball family, and I’ve been going to Dodgers games for as long as I can remember. So performing the national anthem at Dodger Stadium was another amazing and meaningful experience. Both of those have been two incredible full-circle moments for me.

How would you describe the evolution of your songwriting since your first release?

Wow. Honestly, I haven't thought about that; I love this question! I think my songwriting has matured as my experiences have gotten bigger. My music comes from true stories, which allows me to be open and honest with my listeners. You can definitely see the progression of my writing in the way I’ve become more comfortable and vulnerable in my lyrics. My sound has also matured as I’ve found where I want to live in this sonic space. I’m 22 now, and seeing the natural life progression as I’ve aged has been very cool.

You’ve mentioned being a mental health advocate and being open about your struggles with anxiety. Can you talk about how those experiences have shaped who you are today?

I love that you brought this up! My mental health journey is a massive part of who I am today and the music I release. I grew up with really, really bad anxiety, and I was so afraid to tell anyone about it because I thought I’d be the weird girl. Growing up in Los Angeles, it felt like a very “show the best, hide the rest” kind of city— I thought everyone was so perfect. I hid my anxiety because I felt like I was the only one struggling. Not only was I going through this difficult time, but I was lying about it to people, which made my anxiety even worse. So I’m super passionate about this because I know how isolating it can feel. Everyone has their own “hidden monsters,” whether anxiety, depression, or something else. If I have a platform, I want to use it to bring awareness to this topic because no one should feel like they have to hide their mental health struggles. 

That is such an important share, and I appreciate how you’ve created a space for mental health dialogue. Let’s talk about your new single, “ptxd.” What was the inspiration for the song?

“ptxd” is about the toxic relationships I’ve been in and the ones I’ve seen my friends go through. It’s about the anxiety and fear this leaves us with when we start new relationships – having these negative connotations that it will end the same way as all the others. It’s such a shame! So I was talking to my co-writer about these experiences, and she said, “It’s like you have PTSD from all of these guys,” which I then made the joke of having PTXD. Then we knew that was our song and started writing. We wrote the hook and just knew we had something special. We worked on the song’s verses for a few months, but it felt like it wasn’t fully there. So we brought in another incredible co-writer who helped us bring it all together, and the rest is history!

When did you know it was ready to be released?  

While I was touring in Europe, I was able to perform it live, and everyone just fell in love with it. By the end of the tour, everyone in the crowd knew the words, which was so crazy because it was unreleased. People were even coming up to me in the street asking me to “sing the ptxd song and do the ptxd dance”— I had no idea there was a dance! Then they’d show me, and it was the same one I would do on stage. So that was the moment for me when I knew that “ptxd” had to be the next single out. It’s been amazing to see everyone’s positive reactions. I’m so excited for everyone to hear the final version because we played it live, but that’s not exactly what the record sounds like.

Is there any advice you would give someone feeling like they’re experiencing PTXD?

I still struggle with this, and I’m not an expert – but I’ve learned to take each relationship as a separate entity. I’m open about my past experiences, my fears and set boundaries in new relationships. Setting boundaries is very important, especially for those struggling with mental health. You have to know what you’re comfortable with, what you can tolerate, and what does or doesn’t work for you. People don’t fit into the molds you want them to be, no matter how badly you want them to. So it’s important to take everyone as they are, not your perception of what you want them to be. And I say all that… but my brain and heart don’t always communicate [laughs]. But I have learned to embrace all my emotions even though I feel everything so intensely, which can be problematic sometimes in my everyday life. But these emotions made me a good songwriter and gave me this career. So when people hear “ptxd,” I want them to feel empowered and know they are worthy of finding someone to love them how they deserve to be loved. 

I love that answer! What is the most rewarding or exciting part about releasing a new song?

I love seeing my lyrics come to life with photoshoots and videos. And it’s so cool to see how people react to my music on social media. I love that moment when the song is finally done and goes out into the world. It’s incredible to know that my lyrics can positively impact people. One of my favorite things is going on Spotify for Artists and seeing the playlists my songs end up on. It’s always so funny to see the crazy, creative playlist names people come up with!

Lastly, do you have any plans for the rest of this year? Is there any new music in the works?

There is definitely going to be a lot more music very soon! I've been in the studio so much, working on new music— literally, since the second I got back from tour. I'm super excited about this new chapter, and I have a lot of really fun things planned. So keep posted on my socials to stay in the loop!

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